The Top 8 Best Crystals For St. Patricks Day, Good Luck, Success, Prosperity + Manifestation

Although crystals may seem “trendy,” at the moment, the knowledge of this holistic healing modality has been around for more than 30,000 years, dating back to ancient civilizations of the Lumerians, Sumerians of Mesopotamia, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Indian and Asian cultures.  These ancient civilizations used crystals for many purposes, whether it was to promote good health, energetic protection, or the attainment of wealth. Flash forward to the present day, discoveries in science and studies of quantum mechanics are finally catching up to what ancient civilizations have known all along, that crystals from the earth have “magical” qualities that assist us in the betterment of our lives, including an extra boost when it comes to good luck, success, and abundance in all ways.

How crystals assist us in manifesting our goals:

As we may be well aware, all solid matter is made from atomic particles. Crystals are minerals that are formed under the Earth’s surface and depending on the environmental conditions, such as pressure, temperature, and chemicals, it will create various colors, shapes and influence the type of crystal that is created.  The crystals are formed by atoms into organized repeating patterns.  These patterns are not alien to just crystals though. We have organized repeating patterns in many things like our own DNA, ice, some liquids, sugar, chocolate, sand, and metal.  The way the atoms are arranged is how the shape of the crystal is determined and can be categorized into one of six “families,” which are cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic, and hexagonal.      

Aside from the geometric shapes, when crystals are formed into solid matter, this type of structure is called lattice, where extra electrons are stored and organized into vibrational modes called phonons. The electrons are what enables crystals to change from one form of energy into another, and flow electromagnetic energies through them.  The study of quantum physics demonstrates how the natural phenomenon of energy transfer is possible, and because of that, today we use crystal vibration in modern technology inside our credit card chips, lasers, radios, microphones, computers, and even watches to provide accurate measurement of time. 

Energetic studies of crystal vibrations in application to technology conclude that crystals balance disrupted energetic vibrations, which are brought back into harmony with the use of crystals as opposed to not having them, which is why they are used in radios to strengthen signals and convert electromagnetic vibrations into sound waves.  The same principle is applied with crystal healing and the human body by bringing our energetic vibration and cells back into harmony.  Looking at crystals under a microscope show moving particles of energy, each having its own unique vibration- just as humans do.    

Quantum mechanics and new physics tell us that humans as living organisms are made of energy, and are more than just physical bodies.  We are all pulsating fields of energy at different vibrations. When the energy of a crystal interacts with the energy of the human body, it syncs with your present energetic vibration and creates a third energy field, in addition to harmonizing disruptive energies in the surrounding fields.  From here, the energy of the crystal is able to transmute stagnant energy, balance the vibrations in your biofield, and restore balance in the body with its natural rhythm.  Furthermore, when the energy of the crystal syncs with the energy of the human body, it has the ability to both store and amplify information, such as your intentions for manifestation, and magnetizes those frequencies back to you.

Crystals for good luck:

While many crystals may be viewed as lucky, I put together the following list of gemstones based on their unique properties and abilities to manifest, acquire financial prosperity, and abundance in all ways, by stimulating self-awareness, personal empowerment, determination, grounding and clearing energetic blockages necessary to open the flow of what you desire most.

Green Aventurine

When life feels like $h!t just hit the fan and you’re ready to turn your luck around, look no further than green aventurine.  Known as a stone for prosperity, success, abundance, and good luck, carrying a piece of this crystal in your pocket, wallet, or on your altar will flow good fortune to you.  The most common form of aventurine is green, which ranges from pale to dark green, and when polished, it can be easily confused with green jade.  Aventurine can be found naturally in various colors, such as red, blue, yellow, orange, and silver. 

It is said that green aventurine can help you move forward with confidence, especially working through challenging situations, on this roller coaster ride we call life!  It encourages us to move forward, embrace change, and be in the present moment. Using this crystal will help you see things from a new perspective -the ‘bright side,’ even when things feel out of our control and unfavorable.  Many who use green aventurine will meditate and use it to manifest before starting a new project, asking for a raise at work, going on an audition, and finding solutions to working with difficult people- especially family & friends. 

Any time you need a little extra luck on your side, try meditating with green aventurine in one hand, and clear quartz in another to amplify the intention you would like to manifest.  

Fun fact: Green aventurine works well with quartz crystals.  So the next time you say your affirmations out loud, place a piece of clear quartz in one hand and green aventurine in the other while you recite them. 

emerald crystal


From ancient Egypt to the present day, Emeralds have been considered to be a precious stone, connecting their metaphysical benefits to the accumulation of prosperity and abundance in all ways. There is much lore surrounding Emeralds, including the belief that the Greek goddess Venus blesses this stone to bring forth love, beauty, and protect lovers from unfaithfulness. It has been said that emeralds’ green vibrations stimulate the heart chakra, and assist in restoring not only hope, faith, and love, but assists in healing feelings of unworthiness. Following clearing any stagnancy within the heart chakra surrounding blocks to receive from unworthiness, it is said that emeralds attract what one needs and desires, which includes attaining tangible, material possessions and wealth in the form of financial prosperity. The use of emeralds includes opening one up to gratitude and abundance, which helps those overcome feelings or unconscious beliefs of poverty consciousness while transmuting those energies into wealth consciousness.

Fun fact: Since emeralds are a form of a mineral called beryl, they pair harmoniously with other beryls, which include aquamarine and morganite.


Labradorite is most identifiable by it beautiful varying mix of colors from blue-green, to purple, yellow and orange. When light touches upon the crystal, it creates flashes of light that projects multiple colors at the same time, known as labradorescence- not to be confused with fluorescence, which causes crystals to glow under ultra violet light.

Labradorite has several nicknames such as the “stone of transformation,” “the stone of magic,” and “the philosopher’s stone.” As a stone of transformation, labradorite assists in dropping any veils of illusion to see things clearly from a higher perspective and elevated planes of consciousness. This crystal has also been called the “stone of magic” for its ability to bring good luck with manifestation, enhance meditation, lucid dreaming, psychic development, and communication with one’s high self and spirit guides, accessing higher realms of consciousness.

Fun fact: Pair with citrine when being used for manifestation, and moonstone when looking to further enhance intuitive abilities and balance or get in touch with the Divine feminine aspect within ourselves.


Similarly to labradorite, peridot is also known as a stone of transformation, manifestation, and a good luck talisman. With its colors ranging on a spectrum from lime to olive green, Peridot is connected with the vibration of the Earth and resonates with the solar plexus and heart chakras. Some of the first known uses of peridot date back to more than 3,000 years, and have been a loved gemstone made into jewelry, believed to bring the wearer the energy of royalty, good luck, and great wealth. It is said that peridot is a generator of not just wealth, but abundance in all ways, such as health, happiness, and well-being. Similarly to emeralds, peridot also works to heal the heart chakra with feelings of unworthiness, and transmute those feelings into those of self-love, gratitude, and courage to pursue your dreams with clarity on being able to make the best decisions that are in alignment with you and your heart’s desires. Peridot has been known to release energetic blocks in the heart and auric field to allow us the ability to receive blessings of abundance with joy and gratitude.

Fun fact: Peridot is a versatile stone that pairs well with pyrite, green aventurine, and citrine.

Green Moss Agate

Dating back to the 18th century, moss agate initially gained popularity by gardeners, farmers, and agriculturists to assist in bringing a healthy harvest. Green moss agate is known as a stone of “new beginnings,” and a crystal of growth, to acquire abundance in all ways such as health, happiness, prosperity, inner wisdom and spiritual growth. When used for manifestation purposes, it is said that the crystal allows you to hold onto the vision of your goals until they come to fruition in divine timing. With that said, the energy of this crystal resonates more with helping us understand the cycles of life and in nature, and therefore, some things cannot be rushed. The vibration of moss agate ushers in a calm energy that assists those who work with it to find their inner peace, restore hope and trust while navigating through life challenges. Moss agate is known to bring good luck in the form of new ideas and fresh, springtime like energy, releasing any fears of moving forward. This crystal has been known to provide grounding, energetic protection, and clear any blockages that may be in the way of achieving your goals.

Fun fact: Since green moss agate is part of the quartz family, it pairs well with clear quartz, golden labradorite, citrine, and peridot to amplify your manifesting efforts.


If you’d like to see your life go in an upward spiral, look no further than the beautiful green swirls within malachite. Historical records show the use of malachite dating back to 3,000 B.C, and was used as jewelry, makeup, and hung in homes and businesses for energetic protection. Malachite gets it color from copper deposits, making it a crystal that conducts electricity. With that said, crystals that contain copper are natural energy amplifiers, and when they are used for the purposes of manifestation, it is believed to not only attract good luck and success, but protect you against that which does not serve your greatest and highest alignment by harmonizing its vibration with your energy field. It is said that malachite reveals patterns that are held within us through self-realization, and shows us the next steps to take to create new patterns that are in alignment with our goals. Malachite has been known to assist connecting the heart with the mind, and being able realize your true desires while manifesting from a place of passion and without fear.

Fun fact: Pairing malachite with tiger eye can assist in amplifying the energies of good luck, success, and protection.


If you are feeling a lack of motivation and could use a little “fire under your a$$,” then working with pyrite will be your new best friend to manifest your goals. Speaking of fire, pyrite received its name from the Greek word for fire, because striking two pieces together can create sparks. Pyrite holds the vibrational elements of fire and earth, and work quickly to boost one’s energy and feelings of taking assertive action toward accomplishing your goals. It is said that working with pyrite significantly enhances one’s determination and willpower, while anchoring in spiritually guided knowledge for the next steps to take. Those who work with pyrite can have an increase in self-confidence, positive feeling, and sense of empowerment that you have what it takes to accomplish your dreams and manifestations. Pyrite is a favorited stone among many to acquire abundance, prosperity, and motivation for success in life, while releasing energetic frequencies that are dissonant from your desires.

Fun fact: Pyrite pairs well with carnelian, golden labradorite, and citrine to assist in manifestation.


Also known as the “merchant’s stone,” the use of citrine can be traced as far back as 300 B.C. to Greece and Rome, to attract good luck and abundance in the form of financial prosperity. The word citrine is derived from the French word “citron,” which is translated as lemon.

Citrine is a favorite stone among many for its ability to bring one’s dreams into reality through manifestation. The crystal’s uplifting vibration has been known to attract success, peace, happiness, and new beginnings. Citrine resonates best with the solar plexus and sacral chakras since the crystal carries the vibrant, firey energies of the sun, which helps to boost endurance, self-confidence, and positivity to assist one in stepping out of their comfort zones, increasing determination within a person to achieve their goals. It is said that citrine helps to remove obstacles or energetic blockages on your path when it comes to manifesting by opening the doors of opportunity. You may choose to carry this crystal as a raw stone in your pocket or wallet, place it under your pillow at night, or wear it as jewelry.  Since ametrine is a powerful stress-relief stone, you may choose to place one in your car, where you work, or any place you’d like to bring in peaceful energies.    

Fun fact: As a member of the quartz family, citrine harmonizes with other quartz crystals, such as rose quartz, amethyst, smokey quartz, and clear quartz -a known energy amplifier. When using citrine for manifestation, it pairs well with clear quartz, carnelian, green aventurine, and golden labradorite.

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  • Lembo, Margaret Ann. The Essential Guide to Crystals, Minerals and Stones. 2016. Llewellyn Publications. 

  • Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible Volume 3. 2013.  Krause Publications. 

  • Hall, Judy. Crystals and Healing Stones: A Complete guide to 150 recently available crystals and stones. 2006. Octopus Publishing Group Ltd.

  • Simmons, Robert & Ahsian, Naisha. The Book of Stones. Who They Are & What They Teach. 2005. Heaven & Earth Publishing LLC.

  • Lilly, Sue & Lilly, Simon. Healing with Crystals and Chakra Energies: How to Harness the Transforming Powers of Color, Crystals and Your Body’s Own Subtle Energies to Increase Health and Wellbeing. 2007. Hermes House.

*Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions, perform medical treatments, prescribe substances and medications, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical care professional. Reiki healing and crystal healing is an effective treatment in addition to, NOT a substitute for, medical attention and medications provided by a licensed physician or licensed professional health care for any ailment. It is recommended that clients receiving Reiki treatments and/or crystal healing also see a licensed physician or other licensed health-care professional for any ailments.   


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