The 12 Days of Healing: Day 2, Energy Protection

Welcome to the 12 Days of Healing: Day 2-Energy Protection In Day 2, I discuss energy protection. Not only how to protect your energy field, but techniques anyone can use how to clear your energy field, which include the Purple Flame, Blue Flame, Golden Frequency, and White Opal Shimmering Light.

Video Dictation: 

“Hi everyone, welcome back to the 12 Days of Healing, this is Day 2, and I’m just going to continue on from the previous video on false light beings and how to keep your energy clear and so I’m going to give you some tools today to continue to provide yourself with energy protection and keep up with that energy hygiene we were talking about, and not only how to protect your energy field but also clear your energy field of anything that may have gotten into your aura or chakras, and I’m going to give you more tools on how to do that in videos to come- even how to cut cords, spin your aura and chakras, which are some techniques that I teach in my Reiki certifications. 

Yesterday I was talking about visualizing or setting the intention of having a purple light around you and if it is in alignment to work with Archangel Michael or Archangel Metatron for that protection if that is in alignment with you.  You can also visualize or set the intention of having a purple flame, which is also something that is a gift from Archangel Michael and St. Germain.  So you don’t need to be a Reiki healer or energy healer  in order to do this, and this is something you should know about because you have the power to do this yourself. There is also the blue flame that works the same as the purple flame. There’s also another golden frequency, which is also classic, setting the intention or visualizing gold shimmering light surrounding you. And don’t worry we’re going to get into how to do this in just a minuet, I’m just going through all the different things that I can provide you with to practice with in your spiritual goals with your spiritual hygiene. The last one I would like to go over is this white opalescent shimmering light.  And the way that I see it, is it comes through coming down like the rain from the sky and it emanates all through my aura, all of my being, and that is what I use before and after I do any kind of channeling to make sure that my energy and my aura is clean of anything that is not me, or anything that is not unconditional love and light from my field completely.

Depending on which one you want to use, call in the energy, or if you want to call in one of the Archangels, let’s say you want to call in Archangel Michael, (that’s my homeboy), so I call him in for the blessing of the healing purple flame. So if it’s hard for you to visualize, again, just setting the intention alone is powerful enough to invoke it. And so you can turn your hands inward or you can turn your hands outward to emanate the purple flame into you or outside of you. You can also use this energy to burn away any kind of cords, attachments, and asking for Archangel Michael’s blessing to burn away any cords or attachments, and disharmonious energies from your frequency and energy field.  So I call in Archangel Michael, setting the intention or visualizing the purple flame that surrounds you completely.  So our aura kind of looks like an egg, so just visualizing and setting the intention that the purple flame is surrounding you and emanating from you, burning away anything that is not unconditional divine love and light.  Taking a nice deep breath.  Just letting the energy flow until you feel a shift in your vibration.  Some people may feel a cooling energy, and that’s actually the divine energy of this purple flame. And so just sitting with the energy for as long as you feel intuitively to do so and that’s perfectly ok.  You can set this purple flame to work throughout the whole day. 

You can do this before you go to bed at night, especially if you are somebody who does a lot of traveling in your sleep to other dimensions, realities, or if you feel you are sensitive to spirits and things when you are going to sleep. I know this may sound weird, but some people are energetically sensitive, especially when they are sleeping, and have “visitors” when they are asleep because their ego is not in the way and their crown chakra is very open - so I feel that is also a message for somebody who is going to be watching this video. Again, you can channel this energy the same as the blue flame, the shimmering gold light, and the white opalescent light that I was talking about, and again with that one I envision the one to come down like rain.  It’s a nice one to use when you are in the shower because the physical water is coming down on you and clearing your energy field and going down the drain.  You can also set it for energetic protection throughout the day and throughout the night. So I hope this was helpful, let’s see what topic we’ll be talking about next.  Ok, we’re going to be talking about more energy clearing tips, so please like, follow, and subscribe if you’d like to follow along for Day 3 of the 12 Days of Healing. Thank you!”

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The 12 Days of Healing: Day 3, Angels!


The 12 Days of Healing: Day 1, Energy Hygiene